
Your Shipment Has
Easier Fastest Safe

We understand that you cannot just choose a different shipping partner on a whim. So tag along to discover how we can make shipping less stressful for your company. Ready to enjoy an unparalleled journey for all your shipments?

Our Service

Free Pickup

With more than 18000 Indian pin codes served, we can deliver your shipments by our express parcel delivery network.

Safe Packing

Be at ease. We pack your items with the utmost care. During transportation, we’ll keep your item secure.

Fast Shipping

Fastest deliveries, even long-distance orders, with same-day and next-day capabilities within 48-96 hours.

On Time Delivery

With the promises you make to your customers or loved ones, we uphold our end by delivering on time with our extensive networks.


Real-time Control and Monitoring available 24*7 making it easier to track orders, detect fraud and stay updated on the whereabouts of the parcel.

Virtual Address and Storage

Using our wide pan-Indian network and PTL services, we also provide a heavy goods service that includes the storing and transportation of heavy items.

Prohibited Items

It is the obligation of the shipper/consignee to abide by any applicable local laws or current government rules. Customs officials or representatives from other government agencies may inspect shipments and delay them if necessary.
We have the right to deny or halt the delivery of any shipment that does not include the shipper, receiver, and items’ contact information.
Real time tracking

Track your courier with Real Time Tracking

While we take care of your logistics and clearance, you can concentrate on expanding your business with the support of our comprehensive shipping solutions.

Expedite logistical services through competence, responsiveness, and technology. Request a Demo

Get In Touch!

We are here to assist you with all your needs!

View our offerings for shipping for both corporate and personal use.
An all-in-one resource for all e-commerce needs, providing specialized services such as marketplace listing, multi-vendor management, tech development, warehouse & fulfillment, cross-border solutions, last-mile delivery, reverse logistics management, sample showrooms, and more.

+91 9393493625


Beside: Brew buzz cafe, Door No. 59-13-7 Gayathri nagar main road, 1st Ln, Benz Circle, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh 520008

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